Lindisfarne Gospels Learning Resources
Gospels pre- and post- visit resources
Once you've booked your visit to see the Lindisfarne Gospels, take a look at our pre-visit resource. It contains some fun and interactive activities to do with your class before your visit experience day, to gain some context and understanding about the Gospels.
After your visit to see the Lindisfarne Gospels, this post-visit resource provides activities and discussion prompts to consolidate pupils' learning.
Lindisfarne Gospels Resource Pack
Whether you've booked a session with us here at the Laing or not, this resource pack is full of fun, useful activities that you can do with your pupils, related to the Lindisfarne Gospels and the period of history that they were written.
As part of your pre-booked Gospels visit experience package, you may be visiting Newcastle Cathedral or Great North Museum Hancock. You will be walking your pupils to or from these venues, and may find these trails useful for the journey!
Trail to/from Newcastle Cathedral
Trail to/from Great North Museum: Hancock
City map
This map of Newcastle is for all schools that have booked a Gospels visit day experience. The map details the most direct routes to the venues you will be visiting as part of the day, as well as some of our city's most iconic landmarks along the way.
Laing Art Gallery Hazard Identification
Hazard ID form to help you create your risk assessment
Colouring sheet
Download this colouring sheet which illustrates the journey of the Lindisfarne Gospels